Interoperability with the Class – Java I/O: Part II

Interoperability with the Class

A URI consists of a string that identifies a resource, which can be a local resource or a remote resource. Among other pertinent information, a URI specifies a scheme (e.g., file, ftp, http, and https) that indicates what protocol to use to handle the resource. The examples of URIs below show two schema: file and http. We will not elaborate on the syntax of URIs, or different schema, as it is beyond the scope of this book.

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file:///a/b/c/d                      // Scheme: file, to access a local file.              // Scheme: http, to access a remote website.

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URI(String str) throws URISyntaxException
static URI create(String str)

This constructor and this static method in the class create a URL object based on the specified string. The second method is preferred when it is known that the URI string is well formed.

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// Create a URI object, using the URL.create(String str) static factory method.
URI uri1 = URI.create(“file:///a/b/c/d”);   // Local file.

The following methods can be used to convert a URI object to a Path object. The Paths.get(URI uri) static factory method actually invokes the Path.of(URI uri) static factory method.

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// URI –> Path, using the Path.of(URI uri) static factory method.
Path uriToPath1 = Path.of(uri1);       // /a/b/c/d
// URI –> Path, using the Paths.get(URI uri) static factory method.
Path uriToPath2 = Paths.get(uri1);     // /a/b/c/d

The following method in the Path interface can be used to convert a Path object to a URI object:

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// Path –> URI, using the Path.toUri() instance method.
URI pathToUri = uriToPath1.toUri();    // file:///a/b/c/d

Interoperability between a Path object and a URI object allows an application to leverage both the NIO.2 API and the network API.